Application Schedule, Computer Engineering Certification Board

CpECB Grants Certifications to 60 Sixth Batch of CCpE and PCpE Applicants

The Computer Engineering Certification Board, Inc. (CpECB) has granted certification status to sixty (60) successful applicants for BATCH 6. Thirty-six (36) applicants were granted Certified Computer Engineer (CCpE) status while twenty-four (24) applicants were granted Professional Computer Engineer (PCpE) status. The Oath Taking of the newly certified CCpEs and PCpEs…Continue readingCpECB Grants Certifications to 60 Sixth Batch of CCpE and PCpE Applicants

Application Schedule, Computer Engineering Certification Board

Batch 7 Application Schedule

The Computer Engineering Certification Board has announced the application schedule for the 7th batch of Certified Computer Engineer (CCpE) and Professional Computer Engineer (PCpE). See the following post for more details. Application Period: August 1 to November, 2023 Processing Period: November 16 to November 30, 2023 Board Approval: December Board…Continue readingBatch 7 Application Schedule

Application Schedule

Batch 6 Application Schedule

The Computer Engineering Certification Board has announced the application schedule for the sixth batch of Certified Computer Engineer (CCpE) and Professional Computer Engineer (PCpE). See the following post for more details. Application Period: February 1 to April 30, 2023 Processing Period: May 1 to May 30, 2023 Board Approval: June…Continue readingBatch 6 Application Schedule

Computer Engineering Certification Board

CpECB Grants Certifications to 61 Fifth Batch of CCpE and PCpE Applicants

The Computer Engineering Certification Board, Inc. (CpECB) has granted certification status to 61 successful applicants for BATCH 5. Thirty-eight (38) applicants were granted Certified Computer Engineer (CCpE) status while twenty-three (23) applicants were granted the Professional Computer Engineer (PCpE) status. The validity of their certifications will be 3 years from…Continue readingCpECB Grants Certifications to 61 Fifth Batch of CCpE and PCpE Applicants